Privileged Access Management Endpoint Management

[Product Training] Effectively Enforce a Least Privilege Strategy

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About the Webinar

This Cyber Security Boot Camp webinar series will help you develop expertise in defending your infrastructure, data and identities against cyber threats. You will learn tips and tricks that will help you ensure that your organization is more secure tomorrow than it is today. During each session we will look into specific areas and learn what we can do to improve the overall security posture.

As with all our customer success webinars, this session will be heavy on practical demonstrations that show how to use your Netwrix solutions to best achieve your goals.

Privileged accounts that hold local or domain administrative rights can pose a significant risk to the security and compliance of your organization's information systems. These accounts, if accessed by malicious actors, can cause considerable damage to your operations, such as data theft, espionage, sabotage, ransomware attacks, or circumventing critical safety controls. By implementing the principle of least privilege across endpoints, your organization can minimize these risks and simultaneously optimize operational efficiency.

During this session you will learn how Netwrix can help both administrators and standard users securely carry out privileged tasks.

Watch this session and learn how to:

  • Ensure least privilege functionality is enforced across workstations and servers.
  • Prevent malware, ransomware, lateral movement, and unauthorized system changes.
  • Streamline the way domain admins carry out privileged tasks, leading to improved response times and mean time to resolution (MTTR).
  • Optimize performance and productivity while maintaining high levels of security and compliance.
Martin Cannard avatar
Martin Cannard,
VP of Product Strategy
Jeremy Moskowitz avatar
Jeremy Moskowitz,
CTO and Founder of PolicyPak, Microsoft MVP, Enterprise Mobility
Megan Barnash avatar
Megan Barnash,
Sr. Technical Training Designer