
Netwrix PolicyPak Demo: Enhance Application, Browser and Java Security

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Business users interact with applications, browsers and Java more than any other resources on the Windows network. Therefore, locking down their settings is critical for security and compliance.

Netwrix PolicyPak makes it easy to establish application, browser and Java settings that meet your specific security and compliance requirements — and prevent users from ever reconfiguring them.

Watc this webinar to discover how Netwrix PolicyPak gives you the power and flexibility to:

  • Configure and lock down thousands of user settings on hundreds of common applications.
  • Manage browser settings, ensure that hyperlinks open in the right browser and even block websites completely.
  • Manage, secure and block Java applets and websites, quickly and easily.
Jeremy Moskowitz avatar
Jeremy Moskowitz,
CTO and Founder of PolicyPak, Microsoft MVP, Enterprise Mobility