
Netwrix PolicyPak Demo: Master GPO Optimization for Enhanced Performance and Security

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Reducing the number of GPOs enhances system performance, resulting in quicker user login times. It also simplifies the administrative process, making managing user settings and system configurations more straightforward. Additionally, a streamlined set of GPOs facilitates a more efficient and less complex auditing process, which aids in maintaining security and compliance standards.

With the Netwrix PolicyPak GPO Reduction and Consolidation Pak, you can consolidate multiple policies into a single Group Policy Object, enabling you to streamline your security, compliance, and management practices. You can also leverage Item-level targeting and Group Policy Preferences to simplify GPO deployment across domain-joined and non-domain-joined environments.

Watch this webinar to learn how to:

  • Consolidate and simplify legacy GPOs for easier management.
  • Export and migrate GPOs to your MDM and UEM platform to ensure parity across managed workstations.
  • Leverage Group Policy Preferences and Item-level targeting for granular policy deployment
  • Achieve Group Policy parity across domain-joined and non-domain-joined workstations
Jeremy Moskowitz avatar
Jeremy Moskowitz,
CTO and Founder of PolicyPak, Microsoft MVP, Enterprise Mobility