Behind the Scenes: 4 Ways Your Organization Can Be Hacked

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If a hacker was sneaking around your network right now, how would you know? In this on-demand webinar, Brian Johnson from 7 Minute Security will reveal some of the security gaps that attackers use to breach organizations, based on his firsthand experience with clients. The coolest part of the session is when Brian demonstrates how you can catch attackers red-handed before they manage to take control of your systems.

If you have already watched any of Brian’s sessions, you know that he always succeeds at making the presentation not only useful but also extremely amusing. This time, you’ll get to enjoy how he uncovers:

  • How attackers access a network using a foothold on a compromised machine
  • How they crack Wi-Fi using hacking tools such as Wifite
  • How hackers brute-force a local workstation’s admin account
  • How you can detect suspicious activity in its early stages to prevent a breach
  • And for dessert — how to be alerted about MouseJack attacks!
Jeff Melnick avatar
Jeff Melnick,
Solutions Engineer
Brian Johnson avatar
Brian Johnson,
Security enthusiast / Podcaster