Cyber Chief Magazine
Cybersecurity 2022: Defending against Evolving Threats

2021 was a banner year for security incidents. Bad actors targeted critical industries such as energy, healthcare and finance, and ransomware became a household word. Headlines included the devastating attack on the Colonial Pipeline oil infrastructure in the US, the biggest ever cyberattack in food production which hit JBS, and the attack on the Irish healthcare system Health Service Executive. These incidents demonstrate that no sector and no country are safe from cyber criminals.
One important factor is that having more employees outside the traditional network perimeter dramatically increases an organization’s attack surface area. Therefore, a top priority for organizations in 2022 must be to build a comprehensive security program based on proven best practices like effective privileged access management and the Zero Trust approach to security.
To help cybersecurity leaders like you stay one step ahead of both old and new threats, we developed this issue of Cyber Chief Magazine.
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In this issue
- 6 cybersecurity trends to be aware of in 2022
- A closer look at the Zero Trust cybersecurity strategy
- Top cloud security threats and tactics for mitigating them
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