Deploying Software on Windows: Painful but Doesn’t Need to Be

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Deploying Software on Windows: Painful but Doesn’t Need to Be
In today's digital landscape, businesses require a plethora of software applications—from essential tools like Asana and Slack to utility software like 7-Zip and Notepad++—to remain operational and competitive. The complexity of deploying these applications has evolved significantly, moving away from traditional methods to accommodate modern infrastructure such as on-premises Active Directory (AD), Azure AD, or a hybrid of both. This evolution reflects the changing dynamics of the workplace, where users now access services from multiple locations, underscoring the need for flexible and efficient software deployment strategies. Traditional deployment methods, while familiar, are increasingly seen as inadequate for the demands of contemporary IT environments. The introduction of modern deployment techniques offers a promise of simplicity and reliability, yet they vary greatly in their ease of use and effectiveness. This white paper explores the challenges associated with application deployment in enterprise settings, highlighting the inefficiencies of outdated practices and the potential of modern methodologies to streamline and secure the process. By leveraging the right tools and approaches, organizations can overcome the hurdles of software deployment, ensuring a seamless and productive digital workspace. Our discussion aims to guide IT professionals through the complexities of current deployment strategies, emphasizing solutions that minimize disruption and maximize operational efficiency.