Digital Waste and Dumpster Diving – Driving Down the Costs

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A recurring problem we hear about is dumpster diving – where salvaging waste that was discarded by organizations proves of value to hackers. Addressing the dilemma of how to identify dark data and dispose of redundant, outdated, or trivial (ROT) information from unmanaged or poorly managed file shares and siloed repositories, can be costly. From not only maintaining unneeded servers, but also the risks of data breaches, hacker activity, and acting on erroneous information for decision making.

This webinar explores the business ramifications of unmanaged and potentially toxic data, and provides a solution to cleanse repositories, with easy-to-use tools for ongoing management. See a live demo of the process for generating an inventory of file shares, based on a variety of different variables. And leave with a clear understanding of the why, what, and how of cleansing content to obtain business advantages.

Zabair Bhatti avatar
Zabair Bhatti,
Solutions Engineer