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Netwrix data classification for
See what’s hiding in your mail with Exchange data classification software
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Discover and categorize your on-premises and cloud-based Exchange mailbox data

On-premises and cloud-based exchange mailboxes often store sensitive and mission-critical data. How can you ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands while making it easy for authorized users to find what they need? Eliminate this stress by getting all of your Exchange mailbox data under control. See how you can discover information that matters to your organization, ensure its security and accelerate business growth.
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Automate data classification
Stop frustrating users by forcing them to classify each email, and avoid the inconsistencies and errors inherent in this manual approach. Automatically classify the types of data that matter to your business in your Exchange Online, on-premises Exchange or hybrid environment.
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Get accurate results with semantic analysis
Improve the accuracy of your classification results by supplementing regular expression and keyword matching with compound term processing and statistical analysis. Reduce false positives so you can focus on more important tasks.
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Categorize data faster with predefined rules
Receive instant value by using predefined classification rules to discover data regulated by GDPR, PCI DSS and HIPAA — in both email content and attachments. Apply risk-appropriate controls around this data and pass your next audit with less effort.
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Facilitate taxonomy management
Add and modify taxonomies in a simple, user-friendly interface. Eliminate the need to purchase professional services whenever you need to create or update taxonomies.
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Build a data remediation process to enhance security
Identify messages that contain PII, PHI, PCI or IP and automatically move them to a secure quarantine area until you decide what to do with them.
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Use up-to-date information with incremental indexing
Ensure users get updated data classification results quickly when a new message arrives or a new classification rule is added, so they make decisions based on up-to-date data.

Strengthen your mail security across Exchange Server and Exchange Online while realizing the full value of your content

Users send and receive thousands of messages every day. Can you make sure they don’t send confidential information outside the organization? Is the customer data stored in their mailboxes properly secured? Do compliance audits and legal requests make you stay late at work? Netwrix Data Classification is here to help.
Identify sensitive and mission-critical data across mailboxes
Discover personal information, intellectual property and other types of sensitive content stored in your on-premises, cloud-based or hybrid Exchange environment. Spot critical information stored in shared mailboxes and automatically migrate it to a more secure location before a data breach or failed compliance audit makes you stay late at the office.
Improve decision-making and employee productivity
Empower knowledge workers to find the information they need, even if it is in email attachments or scattered across multiple shared mailboxes. By having the right data at the right time, they will be able to make better, more informed decisions to drive your business forward.
Support legal processes without disrupting your day-to-day operations
Simplify eDiscovery and litigation processes by discovering specific pieces of content stored in your on-premises and cloud-based Exchange mailboxes and putting them on hold. Don’t waste your time and effort manually gathering the information from numerous mailboxes; with Netwrix Data Classification, you will have all the necessary data right at hand.
Meet privacy and compliance requirements with less effort and expense
Gain a high-level view of your Exchange mailboxes and discover what data is protected by GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS and other regulatory standards. Satisfy requests from data subjects by identifying content related to a particular individual, in both message text and attachments.
Learn how Netwrix Data Classification can help you solve your most critical data security, legal and compliance needs regardless of where your data is located.