Active Directory Auditing Headaches and How to Solve Them

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Keeping tabs on changes to Active Directory can be a challenge even for the most experienced IT administrator. From auditing privileged user activity and tracking privileged group access, to monitoring changes to the structure of your AD forest, staying on top of these developments can consume a lot of IT resources.

In this 45-minute webinar, Microsoft MVP and Petri IT Knowledgebase Contributing Editor John O’Neill Sr., help you identify some primary AD auditing headaches, and present some tips and advice on how to manage them. Industry expert — Nick Cavalancia joins John to discuss what tools are available to help address these headaches and reveal how Netwrix Auditor can help manage AD changes.

Nick Cavalancia avatar
Nick Cavalancia,
Technical Evangelist, Microsoft MVP & CEO of Conversational Geek
John O'Neill Sr. avatar
John O'Neill Sr.,
Industry Expert