Outsmarting Ransomware: Hints and Tricks

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Microsoft has been working hard to patch Windows operating systems against the EternalBlue exploit to help shield organizations from threats such as Petya, WannaCry and other ransomware. But as long as employees keep opening phishing emails and clicking inappropriate links, and attackers keep dreaming up new attack vectors, your organization will remain vulnerable to cyber attack. It’s high time to accept that malware will get inside your network one way or another, and do some heavy lifting to shore up your defenses.

Watch our recorded webinar and learn:

  • How to implement a least-privilege model and make sure it works, so you can minimize the damage malware can do
  • How to spot possible ransomware activity so you can quickly shut it down
  • How to prepare smart  traps to catch ransomware before it’s too late
  • And more!
Russell McDermott avatar
Russell McDermott,
Solutions Engineer