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Reveal the true value of your data across your
on-premises, cloud-based or hybrid SharePoint environment
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Tame your enterprise content with SharePoint data classification

We know how much uncontrolled information growth adds to your work-related stress. Reduce that stress by taming your SharePoint data across your on-premises, cloud-based or hybrid SharePoint environment, and turning it from a risk-filled liability into an asset. Here’s how we can help you identify valuable data, secure it and use it to drive your business forward.
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Let software do the heavy-lifting
Avoid extra work for yourself, unnecessary frustration for your users and other nightmares of manual data classification. Identify and classify information types that matter the most across your SharePoint Online, on-premises SharePoint or hybrid environment in an automated and consistent manner.
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Make better data management decisions
Gain a better understanding of the sensitive information patterns specific to your organization. Get more relevant results than is possible by relying solely on RegExes, keywords and semantic analysis, and eliminate the need to spend countless hours remediating incorrect document classifications across your enterprise content.
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Find sensitive data with less effort
Receive immediate value by using out-of-the-box classification rules and conditions to identify data protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), PCI DSS and other compliance standards. Use this intelligence to apply risk-appropriate controls around this information and pass audits on your first attempt.
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Delegate taxonomy management to employees
Empower subject matter experts and other business users to create and modify taxonomies in a user-friendly interface instead of the SharePoint Term Store, with no need to purchase professional services or talk to IT.
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Embed classification tags right into the documents
Automatically tag documents with accurate metadata labels aligned to your business to enable users to easily find the data they need and increase the accuracy of data loss prevention (DLP), information rights management, records management and other data governance solutions.
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Automate data remediation
Save your valuable time and put information protection on autopilot. Configure workflows that redact or quarantine documents and automate data management routines, such as moving old records to a dedicated location to be reviewed by your records management technology.

Address your information protection, content optimization, and compliance needs

Do you need to know which files contain sensitive data before you suffer a security incident and your boss blames you? Have your users turned SharePoint into a mess and now want you to fix it? Do your compliance and legal departments constantly involve you in their processes, keeping you up late with lots of extra work? We can solve these challenges for you.
Identify sensitive information and reduce its exposure
Avoid the stress and late nights caused by a data breach by making sure that sensitive content (for example, the personal data of customers) resides only on dedicated on-premises and cloud-based SharePoint sites with risk-appropriate information protection controls. If sensitive data surfaces elsewhere, automatically quarantine it until you can make appropriate a long-term remediation decisions.
Improve decision making and employee productivity
Foster effective collaboration and knowledge sharing between groups by classifying data and organizing it in a way that addresses your organization’s specific needs. Find and eliminate clutter to make sure that business users are working with only truly valuable and reliable data, so they can drive the business forward with more informed decisions instead of complaining to you that SharePoint search doesn’t work because they can’t find files they need.
Get rid of unneeded data to reduce costs
Discover redundant, obsolete or trivial information that you might be able to safely delete or archive. Slash data management and storage expenses and make painful budget approvals less frequent.
Respond to legal requests without putting your business on hold
Shine as a strong asset to your legal department by ensuring that no old contract version that’s been lost in the depths of SharePoint comes up at the wrong moment and damages your company’s reputation. Speed eDiscovery and litigation processes by arming your team with Netwrix SharePoint data classification across your on-premises, cloud-based or hybrid SharePoint environment, so they can find all the data related to litigation and put it on hold as required.
Meet privacy and compliance requirements with less effort and expense
Pinpoint different types of confidential data protected by GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS and other regulations throughout your enterprise. Enforce appropriate retention policies for each type of data and satisfy subject access requests by finding personal information related to a particular individual in minutes, not days.
Learn more how we can help you solve your most pressing information protection, content optimization and compliance needs, regardless of where you store your data.