Improve System File Integrity With The FAST Cloud Addon For Change Tracker

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Know if changes to system files are expected or the result of hacking or malware infection

Netwrix Change Tracker provides tools to monitor the changes made to files on your systems. Some of these changes are normal and expected, others can be the result of unauthorized modifications or the result of malware infection. In these cases, those changes must be investigated and the appropriate mitigation performed.

The FAST (File Approved-Safe Technology) Cloud addon for Netwrix Change Tracker adds the ability to cross reference your systems files with a database of over 10 billion certified file fingerprints, making it possible to identify files that have been modified after their release by software vendors. The database is created from the submissions of software vendors including Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe and many others. This is a refence of known good file characteristics which Change Tracker uses to verify the integrity of the files on your systems. This method makes the process of identifying modified program files quick and accurate, reducing the false positives that can occur with other methods.