Highest overall rating among the top 3 most-reviewed products in the File Analysis Software market*

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*Overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 as of December 23, 2019, based off of 73 reviews
But don’t take our word for it.
Why do so many organizations choose Netwrix solutions?
An investment that pays off
Netwrix Auditor gives the best bang for the buck, bar none.
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Netwrix is honestly the best option for the price tag - beyond their free stuff which is already top notch, their Netwrix Auditor suite helps in so many different ways with compliance, security and administration. It's a system I would heartily recommend to everyone because the price tag is just way too low for how powerful it is and how easy it is to use.
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They can provide 95% of [what] some of the larger competitors [offer] at a significant savings.
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Best tool on the market and [much] much cheaper rates.
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While most reporting tools will cost $$$ without creating real value, Netwrix can be used from simple alerting to creating complex compliance reports.
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Multipurpose tool
Netwrix gives an additional layer of security, as it alerts of potentially dangerous files on the system, even before they are activated.
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Thanks to Netwrix Auditor, we now have the critical and long sought-after visibility into our internal network environment and operations, and can proactively identify threats to sensitive data and other resources with little to zero [effort] on our part.
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Perfect addition to our GDPR compliance project. We purchased Netwrix Auditor to assist with our GDPR compliance and after trialing a few different solutions that tired to do the same thing it soon became apparent that Netwrix Auditor was the best product on the market.
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Through Netwrix, we were able to learn more about various operations through automated reports, fixed reports as needed and custom reports for our environment. This allowed us to operate more efficiently from an administrative point of view and to reduce the time spent on these tasks.
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We originally installed it to satisfy a compliance issue, and ended up using it for various different reporting cases.
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Check out Netwrix solutions. No deployment, no rush.
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Straightforward solution
Very easy to setup and use. Even our CEO/CFO can run their own reports, without help from our IT.
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The ability to get meaningful data and reports right out of the box with very little training and upfront knowledge was priceless. We were very pleased with the ease of implementation; had valid reporting within 20 minutes.
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Not coming from a technical background, it has been fairly easy to roll out and use. Even if you are not technical, do not be afraid to dive in and start reviewing your reports.
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It runs automatically with very little intervention. I get daily reports which give me the immediate info I need to assess changes made on the network.
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This was something that took us only a day to set it up and hand it over to information security to manage.
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Something that meets the need and keeps it simple.
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First-class support
The support team was prompt and very courteous, and was very easy to work with. Best support I've seen in a LONG time working with providers.
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The support staff has been excellent to work with in their response time and their product knowledge.
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Whenever I've had any issues or [needed] a hand, their support has been outstanding. Whether it takes a 15 minute remote session or several days to achieve, they stay with you, offering suggestions for improved performance or configuration.
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When we purchased we had many chats with the technical team at Netwrix and they were awesome and I can't recommend this product highly enough.
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Netwrix has an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 in the PCI Compliance Software market on Capterra, based on 132 reviews as of December 23, 2019. The Gartner Peer Insights Logo is a trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates. CAPTERRA is a registered service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.