Netwrix New Releases and News - September 2011
Check out the newest product releases and limited-time offers, read the highlights of the latest Active Directory auditing tools review by Windows IT Pro, learn the best way to prevent unauthorized access and finally find out the most important feature most IT pros need.
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New Version of the Identity Management Suite
Logon Reporting Module, New Password Manager and Other Significant UpdatesAmong other improvements Netwrix Identity Management Suite now features a new module – Netwrix Logon Reporter (auditing of logon events) as well as new versions of other products.
September Offers - Valid till Midnight
Limited Time Upgrade Offers to Expire on October 1st at 12:00AM ETUpgrade to the Change Reporter Suite now and get 100% credit for your previously purchased products + the Event Long Manager as a bonus. Or upgrade to the Identity Management Suite with full credit + Non-owner Mailbox Access Reporter at no cost. Reply to this e-mail ASAP to get a quote.
Netwrix in Comparative Review of Active Directory Auditing Tools
Windows IT Pro: Most Recent Version Overlooked While Old Version Scores HighEric B. Rux of Windows IT Pro recently did a comparative review on Active Directory Auditing Tools. Along with other current competing products, Eric reviewed version 6.0 of Netwrix Active Directory Change Reporter, which was recently updated with version 7.0 after more than two years of extensive development.
In the Blog: Proactive Password Security is Increasing in Importance
One Time Quick Fix or Ongoing Password Maintenance?Which action has more potential to thwart any person having gained unauthorized access to a network? What is the best way to incorporate ongoing administrative password management into an overall security plan for an organization is the best long-term approach?
(Written by Chris Rich, Senior Product Manager at Netwrix)
Comic Cartoon of the Month
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