Streamline Microsoft Teams Auditing to Strengthen Your Cloud Security

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Microsoft Teams is used more and more by businesses around the world to enhance communication and support teamwork. An advanced fusion of SharePoint and Outlook technologies, this cloud communication platform helps users share files, set up meetings and perform other daily activities — in a single application.

However, IT security teams find it challenging to reduce the risk of data leaks in Teams because they struggle to get meaningful information from audit records. On daily basis, specialists are forced to spend their time performing log searches and typing endless PowerShell cmdlets to identify and investigate incidents across their Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) environment.

Netwrix Auditor will help you support IT operations, improve your security, and ease the burden of configuration and audit data collection. 

Ensure control over team membership

Microsoft Teams makes it easy for users to collaborate by creating teams for their projects and sharing data there. But it is challenging for IT security pros to keep track of all the teams that get created and exactly how their membership changes over time. Make this vital task a breeze with Netwrix Auditor.

Insight into overexposed data 

Prevent data leaks by identifying teams that expose documents to anonymous or external users, who might share sensitive data inappropriately and cause a data breach.  

Shed light on activity around sensitive data

Users work with and share tons of data every day, and Microsoft Teams makes it easy for them. But how can you spot events that poses a threat to data security? Netwrix Auditor enables you to see internal and external user activity in Microsoft Teams in just a few clicks.

Speed incident detection and investigation

The longer an incident unfolds without you knowing about it, the more significant the damage can be. Speed incident detection by getting meaningful reports with simple audit log search that enables you to get the details you need using a simple Google-like query that relieves you from sifting through tons of irrelevant audit log records. Plus, in just a few clicks, you can set up real-time alerts to be aware of all critical changes in your Teams environment.

Prepare and pass compliance audits with ease

Get answers to tricky questions from auditors in no time with set of predefined compliance reports.