Streamline Active Directory Password Change and Reset with Netwrix Password Reset

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A user’s password is their key to accessing the applications, data and computer services they need across the Microsoft Active Directory domain. Indeed, lost and forgotten passwords are a common cause of user frustration and productivity losses — especially since recovering from a lockout usually requires an IT administrator with the appropriate permissions and expertise to perform an Active Directory password change or reset. As a result, the organization suffers a double productivity hit for each lockout: for the user and for the IT support team.

Native options for resetting user passwords require an IT administrator.

There are several native ways for administrators to change user passwords in Active Directory:

  • Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) — This snap-in is the most common way to reset the password for a single user account.
  • PowerShell — These commands are used to set new passwords in bulk.
  • Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC) — Built on top of Windows PowerShell and introduced in Windows Server 2012, ADAC enables IT pros to automate some operations by using the Windows PowerShell History

Of course, after an admin performs the Active Directory password change, the user needs to change their password again for security reasons, further increasing the overhead of this process.

Enable users to reset their passwords without contacting the helpdesk.

Self-service portals provide an attractive alternative to native tools. By enabling users to quickly resolve lockouts themselves, self-service portals dramatically reduce both user downtime and helpdesk workload.

Netwrix Password Reset enables Active Directory users to conveniently change AD passwords and unlock their accounts anywhere, anytime: from their mobile phone, tablet or computer, or right from the Windows Logon or Unlock Computer screen. After a straightforward enrollment process, users can reset and change their own passwords and unlock their own accounts — with zero involvement from tech support.

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Make your life easier without neglecting security

With Netwrix Password Reset, you don’t have to sacrifice one iota of security for the benefits of a self-service portal. The product enables you to require multifactor authentication (MFA) for password operations; you can select email or SMS verification, or both. Moreover, every password change attempt, whether successful or unsuccessful, is logged in the system by default, ensuring that administrators can audit activity at any time. Plus, Netwrix Password Reset integrates easily with Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer, which provides powerful yet flexible user password policies, including the ability to reject leaked and weak Active Directory passwords.

Streamline Active Directory Password Change and Reset with Netwrix Password Reset - Change Password