Web-based Active Directory Password Reset Tool that Reduces Helpdesk Workload

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Because Active Directory is responsible for vital authentication and authorization services across a Windows domain, a user’s inability to log in to AD can leave them unable to access the data, applications and servers they need to do their job — bringing critical business processes to a halt. One of the most common causes of such incidents is a forgotten or expired password or account lockout from multiple failed attempts to enter the right password.

Unfortunately, the password reset process is often slow and complicated, frustrating users, prolonging the business interruption and increasing the load on your limited helpdesk resources. A better option is to enable users to reset their passwords themselves. However, the native approach works through integration with Azure AD, which makes it inconvenient to implement for some companies.

Netwrix offers a web-based Active Directory password reset tool that ensures your Active Directory users can change their passwords using a web browser, quickly and easily, so they can get back to work. Moreover, this self-service solution frees your helpdesk team from involvement in routine password changes, enhancing their productivity as well.

Increase productivity with easy account unlocks and password resets and changes

The Netwrix password reset tool enables password changes, password resets and account unlocks in just a couple of clicks. Deployment is quick and straightforward, and the Active Directory password reset webpage interface is self-explanatory so new users can enroll easily. You can choose how the tool can be accessed: internally or externally (directly over the internet or via a VPN) as well.

Reduce costs without compromising security

Netwrix Password Reset provides multiple features to ensure strong security. It includes pre-built and customizable lists of security questions, so users can confirm their identity using information of their choice. It also provides both email and SMS options for multifactor authentication (MFA). To prevent password tampering and keep systems secure, IT admins can review activity in a single report. In addition, you can easily integrate Netwrix Password Reset with Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer to implement highly granular password policies and integrate a password complexity check into the password update process.