Detailed Active Directory Login History for Security and Compliance

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Auditing user logons in Active Directory is essential for ensuring the security of your data. For instance, knowing the Active Directory last logon date for each user can help you identify stale Active Directory accounts whose last logons were a long time ago. Regularly review of these stale accounts is critical because a malicious actor who gains access to one of them could disrupt business processes, leak sensitive data and damage the reputation of your company. Moreover, in addition to its critical role in security, logon auditing is also a major requirement of most IT compliance regulations.

Getting AD computer and user last logon information and more natively

The Active Directory last logon time of users is not the only information critical for security and compliance. For example, if an AD computer's last logon happened a long time ago, the machine that has been out of use with an enabled account, is a prime target for use as a base for malicious activity inside your AD. However, using Active Directory's built-in tools, these important details — and indeed even the simplest who, when and where data — is hard to get, leaving you with limited visibility into logon activity.

Complete visibility into Active Directory accounts' login history

Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory delivers full visibility into logon activity, including detailed information about last logon dates and times in your Active Directory. It also enables you to review the complete Active Directory login history by providing detailed reports on all successful and failed, interactive and non-interactive logon attempts. These and other built-in reports help you streamline security investigations and validate your compliance.

Need visibility into other critical IT systems?

Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory is an integral part of the unified Netwrix Auditor platform, which gives you control over changes, configurations and access in the IT environment to secure your data. By providing security analytics, file analysis, user behavior and blind spot analysis, and event log management capabilities, the Netwrix platform gives you complete visibility into your systems — Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD), file servers, Windows Server, Exchange, Office 365, SQL server, Oracle Database and more — through a single pane of glass.

User Accounts Last Logon Time report from Netwrix Auditor: Path, Status and Last Logon