When Quantum Computers Get Dangerous

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When Quantum Computers Get Dangerous
Quantum computing is a rapidly emerging technology that uses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve complicated problems. Unlike classical computers, which know only 0 and 1, quantum computers use qubits, which can have up to infinite states. As a result, quantum computers can evaluate every possible state simultaneously and run arithmetic operations in parallel, enabling them to solve mathematical problems quickly.

This ability poses a threat to cybersecurity because quantum technology can quickly crack the encryption algorithms currently used to guarantee confidentiality and security on the internet. The quantum algorithm Shor can even crack the most secure method, asymmetric encryption. Accordingly, as we adopt quantum computing, encryptions and passwords will need to be replaced by passwordless authentication and other creative solutions.

Read this guide to learn about the following:

  • How quantum computers work and the challenges of adopting them
  • How encryption works and the dangers associated with it
  • How the quantum algorithms Shor and Grover can crack encryption
  • Password authentication and other alternatives